Friday, November 25, 2011

Counting My Blessings

It's hard to believe that the holiday season is already fully underway.  Yesterday, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving, complete with lots of yummy food and sweet fellowship with family and friends.  I have to say that I have really been blessed to see how so many people on the social networking sites have made a point of daily sharing the things that they are thankful for.

The list is endless...everything from their friends and families, to their favorite pair of shoes!  Isn't it interesting how this particular holiday causes introspection, and the desire to share with others how the Lord has blessed our lives?  I, personally, think that it's fantastic.  Mainly because I needed the reminder.  Too often I find myself getting caught up in the busyness (and occasional frustrations) in my life. My mind goes from one task to the next, rarely slowing down to appreciate the glimpses of sunshine that the Lord has infused in my day.  It shouldn't take a national holiday to remind me to give thanks!

I love how God loves me enough to prod my heart back toward the narrow path that He has set before me, to allow me to go through the growing pains that will cause me to more closely reflect His character.  So, starting now, I am purposing to take time each day to give replace the grumbling with gratefulness.  I know that it won't be easy.  Honestly, for me, change rarely is. But I know that it is something that I need to do.  Not because it will make the Lord love me more, or because it will make me better than anyone else.  (Neither of which are even possible!)  I'm just praying that it will help me be a better version of myself.  That it will make me see more clearly how truly blessed I am.  And that, little by little, it will help conform me into the image of Christ.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; 
His love endures forever."  
Psalm 107:1

And for this journey, no matter how easy or difficult, I am truly thankful.