How do you go about your daily schedule of activities? Do you go through your day taking everything as it comes, or do you begin your day with a plan and modify your plan as the day necessitates? I was reminded recently, through an email from my Daddy (yes, grown women can still call their fathers "Daddy" :D), how important it is to live each day with purpose. Now, this may seem like common knowledge to you, and usually it is to me, too, but for the last couple of days, I have felt a little disconnected from the usual order of things.
I'm not really sure why. Maybe it is because I have been distracted wondering when my brother will finally begin his chemo. (He was supposed to start it this week, but for some reason the medicine still hasn't arrived at the pharmacy.) Maybe it is because I haven't been feeling up to par physically...but doesn't everybody get "the crud" this time of year? Maybe it is because I found out that my mother-in-love had to put her dog down on Thursday. Or maybe it's just because I need more chocolate. Whatever it is, I have definitely been out of sorts, and sadly, I know that it has affected my attitude.
Thankfully, I got the email from my Daddy. He has been sharing pages of a book he is reading that discusses having hope in the midst of dealing with cancer, in order to help us keep a good attitude so that we can help my brother stay optimistic. (I know...
ironic, right?) After reading the selection he had shared, my focus seemed to sharpen quite a bit. It made me think about how I live my life on a daily basis. Do I get up ready to tackle the day, or do I wake up nursing a pitiful attitude because I have too much to do? Do I go about my day with purpose, or do I just do what is needed to get by? As you can see, it gave me a lot to think about.
It lead me to the Word, where I was reminded once again of the wonderful plan the Lord has for my life (and for yours).
I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were
born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.
Jeremiah 1:5
Isn't that amazing?!! The One who spoke the entire universe into existence had a plan for your life
before you were even conceived. If the Lord loves us enough to have an amazing plan for us before we even exist, our lives must have an awesome purpose!
I want my life to count, not for my own fame or recognition, but for the glory of God. I want to use each moment that I have to serve Him. I want to grow in my walk with Him, learning more about His character, and becoming more like Him with each passing day. I want to live life on purpose, and not take one second for granted. The time we have on this earth is a gift from our Heavenly Father, and I want to look upon this gift with all of the joy and wonder it deserves.
Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.
Psalm 90:12 (NLT)
Funny how often the view changes along with our perspective.