Our little girl. I have this picture in my mind of my sweet child of two, hugging her baby brother while leaning over his infant car seat. I see her at six dancing across the stage during her ballet recital, dressed up like a dalmatian puppy (wearing a headband with floppy, spotted ears). I see her drinking her milkshake the day she got braces, her eleven year old mouth full of shiny wires and rubber bands. I see her at fourteen deciding that she wanted to be baptized, because she wanted everyone to know how much she loved Jesus. I see her at our church at seventeen, when she got her first class of three year-old darlings to teach on her own. And I can see her at eighteen, an accomplished graduate from our little home school.
Well, tonight I have had a new vision of my sweet girl the way she is today...a beautiful young woman, with a heart completely in love with her Savior, willing to step out of her comfort zone to be the leader the Lord is calling her to be. For over two years now, she has felt the leading of the Holy Spirit, lovingly urging her to lead a ladies' Bible study in our home. Tonight, after much preparation and prayer, the group met for the first time. It was truly a milestone. The child that I loved and nurtured when she was so small, has grown up into the young woman I love and admire today. She wants to be like Jesus, and more and more I see His face reflected in her own.
I want to be just like her when I grow up...
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