Friday, November 12, 2010

God and Cinnamon Rolls

There's something you should know.  I love to bake!  I mean I really...really...really love to bake!

There are few things I enjoy more (as my ever expanding waistline will attest).  And it doesn't really matter what recipe I'm putting together.  For me, the best thing about baking, other than sampling all of the goodies, is sharing what I make with my family and friends.  Just knowing that I might be able to make their day a little brighter with something sweet brings me joy.  I love how the smell of spices hangs in the air, especially around this time of year.  It is one of the things that makes my house feel like HOME.   


I also find that, for me, baking is therapeutic.  Whether working the dough for cinnamon rolls, or cooking the fudge icing for a sheet cake, the act of creating something pleasing gives me a sense of calm, clears my mind, and gives me a perfect opportunity to talk to my Father.  I love that I don't have to wait for a more "appropriate time" to have those conversations.  He loves me right where I am, no matter where that is.  I don't have to get all dressed up, or have it all together (which is great, because I definitely don't!)  He knows me better than anyone, and loves me still, even with all of my quirks (and believe me, there are quite a few of those).

I guess we are all a whole lot like these cinnamon rolls you see here.  The Lord takes all of the ingredients of our lives...our hopes, our dreams, our experiences, our gifts, our faults...everything that has made up our lives until this moment, and He mixes them all together.  He kneads the dough (you and me), stretching and pulling...forcefully when necessary.  Then He allows us to feel the heat, so that we can become more.  So that we can grow.  Don't get me wrong...I am certainly not claiming that we are perfect.  Or something finished.  Or something complete.  Not yet.  But the day that we see Him face to face, the timer will go off, and if we know Him, we will be in the sweetest place imaginable.

"How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!"  Psalm 119:103

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